
Documentation about the Emacs Easy Draw Graphics Editor

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Emacs Easy Draw is a drawing tool that runs inside Emacs. It is developed by AKIYAMA Kouhei (misohena) plus some more developers. Its main characteristics:

The purpose of below text is to document Easy Draw specificities that I learned when testing it.


Simple Usage Example

The following simple graphics example has been drawn quickly using Easy Draw. It shows a few text boxes and angular brackets that have been drawn as path elements

Easy Draw Specificities

Supported SVG Elements

Difference between the Path Tool and the Free Hand Tool

Both tools create a path, but

Working with Easy Draw Paths

Anchor Points

Handle Points


Key bindings

Most of the key bindings are displayed in menus and help echoes. The key bindings that are not displayed are as follows:

Key or Mouse Action Action
left, up, right, down Move selected objects (S-<dir>:10px, C-u <dir>:Numerical input)
M-left, M-up, M-right, M-down Duplicate selected objects and move (M-S-<dir>:10px, C-u M-<dir>:Numerical input)
Right-click on shapes, anchors, backg., shp. picker or edraw links Show context menu
(Select Tool) C-down-mouse-1 Add/Remove clicked shape to selection list
(Select Tool) M-drag-mouse-1 Duplicate dragged shape
(Path Tool) C-u down-mouse-1 Ignore existing points (Avoid connecting or moving existing points)
S-drag-mouse-1 45 degree unit movement or square specification
Middle-drag Scroll
C-wheel-up, C-wheel-down Zoom
(In Property Editor) Middle-click Close window
(In Shape Picker) Middle-click Close window

Multi Line Text

When you are in the property dialog of a text element, you can create another line by typing C-q C-j.

Last change: 2025-03-15
© 2002-2025 Dr. Thomas Redelberger redetho(a‍t)

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