
Generate LaTeX Documents From Org Mode

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I needed to generate PDF documents including mathematical formulae and graphics drawings. As I already use Org mode for documentation, I decided to employ Org mode for this task as well, rather than dealing with LaTeX directly, like I used to do a long time ago.


This page contains

You might want to download the file ./ to see my test and configuration files.


I use the "texlive" TeX/LaTeX software. I installed the following Debian packages:

This is not the full TeX/LaTeX set, but sufficient, except for the next item
is needed because of wrapfig.sty, which is required by the Org mode exporter (Emacs v28.2 Org mode v9.5.5)
makes sure you get decent looking "type 1" fonts included in the output PDF document. By default you get "type 3" bit-mapped fonts which do not look smooth
because I write in german and english
to have documentation available locally
TeX/LaTeX cannot directly deal with scalable vector graphics (SVG) but it calls inkscape automatically to support SVG


I wanted to do as few tweaking on the LaTeX set-up as possible and hence tried to fulfil as many of my requirements on the Org mode side.

The Org mode exporter UI (C-c C-e) gives you the choice to generate a *.tex or *.pdf file (with *.tex as an intermediate step). If you choose the latter, the pdflatex program will be invoked by Org mode by default.

In-Buffer Settings

Instead of putting Org mode settings in Emacs' init.el file, I put them in a file, which I include in a document file like this:


as the first line. This allows for easy central maintenance.

And: If you needed a special setting for a particular document, you could still put this setting after the #+SETUPFILE... line and it will take precedence.

LaTeX Settings

Not all settings can be put in the set-up file. I needed to have LaTeX import a file with symbol definitions, to have additional UTF-8 special characters available in LaTeX. Only the LaTeX import statement could go in the Org mode set-up file. The LaTeX definitions went in a file called myAddUTF8.tex. I store this file in directory ~/texmf/


I share those files in file ./, which contains:

README.txt txt version of this web-page Test Org mode source file
test.pdf Resulting output PDF file
test.tex Resulting intermediate LaTeX file Org set-up file
myAddUTF8.tex LaTeX symbol definitions
redetho-logo1.svg Test logo
blind_*.svg Test vector graphics file
blind_*.jpg Test image files
lit.bib Test BibTeX file for citations

The files are provided as is. I do not take any responsibility nor provide any warranty.


Test Usage to Generate a LaTeX-PDF-File

While the C-c C-e standard Org mode exporter is fine for tests and occasional exports, I use a Makefile for more complex projects. That Makefile would typically contain (covers both Windows and Linux):

ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)

test.pdf: $(HOME)/
	$(EMACSCL) --eval "(find-file \"\")" \

Description of My LaTeX Preferences

Below text has some narrative about the LaTeX settings in file Of course your requirements may be different.

#+LATEX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [fleqn, a4paper,11pt]

I prefer left aligned equations. You might have different paper or font size requirements.

#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[a4paper,margin=1in,left=1.5in]{geometry}

The default LaTeX page layout use quite a lot of margin, which I adjust here.

#   #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{helvet}

Normally, I am fine with Computer Modern fonts for article type write-ups, but in case…

#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[shorthands=off,AUTO]{babel}

The babel package allows to use other languages rather than english. This construct does two things:

#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{eurosym}

The currency I use most often.

#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{parskip}

I prefer to separate paragraphs by empty space rather than by indenting the first line.

#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{svg}

I use scalable vector graphics (SVG).

#+OPTIONS: tex:dvisvgm

That part of is related to SVG processing. It makes sure that SVG files stay scalable rather than being converted to bit mapped graphics.

#+LATEX_HEADER: \svgsetup{inkscapelatex=false, inkscapearea=page}

By default, LaTeX processes text elements in the included SVG files. This can produce unexpected results. inkscapelatex=false leaves the SVG text elements alone.

By default, the "bounding box" of all graphics elements in the SVG file determines what is being projected/scaled into the resulting LaTeX/PDF. inkscapearea=page rather makes shure that the full size of the SVG is considered instead, either using the viewBox attribute or the width and height attributes in the SVG file.

#  UTF-8 input is fine, but for output LaTeX needs some definitions
#+LATEX_HEADER: \input{~/texmf/myAddUTF8}

While you can use UTF-8 to input quite some special characters, LaTeX needs further definitions on the output side.

#  Customise title
#+LATEX_HEADER: \makeatletter
#+LATEX_HEADER: \renewcommand{\maketitle}{%
#+LATEX_HEADER:   \begingroup\parindent0pt
#+LATEX_HEADER:   \sffamily
#+LATEX_HEADER:   \Huge{\bfseries\@title}\par\bigskip
#+LATEX_HEADER:   \LARGE{\bfseries\@author}\par\medskip
#+LATEX_HEADER:   \normalsize\@date\par\bigskip
#+LATEX_HEADER:   \endgroup\@afterindentfalse\@afterheading}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \makeatother

These statements define a custom title page, where things are left aligned rather than centered.

Supporting Special Characters

Greek Characters

I you need to use greek character, not those from math mode, but upright characters possibly with diacritics, the most easy solution is to use the textalpha LaTeX package. You would hence add

#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{textalpha}

to your Org mode document, to write e.g. τέχνη. Please see the documentation

Box Graphics Characters

For simple graphics you might want to use the good old box graphics characters with a fixed width font. The LaTeX pmboxdraw package supports this:

#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{pmboxdraw}

Example Org Mode block using box graphics characters:

:  Protocol
: ┌───┴──┐
:         └─────┬─────┘└─┬──┘
:            Domain     Sub-
:                       Directory

Please see

Other Export Target Formats

I trust you noticed that the file also contains Org mode in-buffer customisations for HTML export and text export. I have written about HTML export here.

You might also be interested in beamer slide generation from Org mode or using pandoc together with Org mode.

Last change: 2025-03-16
© 2002-2025 Dr. Thomas Redelberger redetho(a‍t)

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